Effect example: Flip
Flip effect seems to be the “Hello world” of the Algebraic Effects literature.
This is how it looks in Turbolift:
1. Imports
import turbolift.{!!, Signature, Effect, Handler}
import turbolift.Extensions._
2. Define the signature
trait FlipSignature extends Signature:
def flip: Boolean !! ThisEffect
def fail: Nothing !! ThisEffect
3. Define the effect type
trait FlipEffect extends Effect[FlipSignature] with FlipSignature:
// Boilerplate:
final override def flip = perform(_.flip)
final override def fail = perform(_.fail)
// Auxiliary operations:
final def plus[A, U <: ThisEffect](lhs: => A !! U, rhs: => A !! U): A !! U =
flip >>= (if _ then lhs else rhs)
final def select[A](as: Iterable[A]): A !! ThisEffect =
if as.isEmpty
then fail
else plus(!!.pure(as.head), select(as.tail))
The auxiliary operations, plus
and select
, are not declared in the signature.
That’s because they don’t need dynamic semantics, provided by handlers.
They are defined entirely in terms of flip
and fail
4. Define a handler
Or better, two handlers:
extension (fx: FlipEffect)
def findAll =
new fx.impl.Stateless[Identity, Vector, Any] with fx.impl.Sequential with FlipSignature:
override def onReturn(a: Unknown) = !!.pure(Vector(a))
override def fail = Control.abort(Vector())
override def flip = Control.capture: k =>
as <- k(true)
bs <- k(false)
yield as ++ bs
extension (fx: FlipEffect)
def findFirst =
new fx.impl.Stateless[Identity, Option, Any] with fx.impl.Sequential with FlipSignature:
override def onReturn(a: Unknown) = !!.pure(Some(a))
override def fail = Control.abort(None)
override def flip = Control.capture: k =>
case None => k(false)
case some => !!.pure(some)
Instantiate the effect
case object MyFlip extends FlipEffect
// Optional:
type MyFlip = MyFlip.type
Run a program using the effect & handlers
def isOdd(x: Int) = x % 2 == 1
val program =
x <- MyFlip.select(1 to 4)
_ <- !!.when(isOdd(x))(MyFlip.fail)
y <- MyFlip.select('a' to 'b')
yield s"$x$y"
// program: Computation[String, MyFlip] = turbolift.Computation@31197437
val result1 = program.handleWith(MyFlip.findAll).run
// result1: Vector[String] = Vector("2a", "2b", "4a", "4b")
val result2 = program.handleWith(MyFlip.findFirst).run
// result2: Option[String] = Some(value = "2a")