Effect example: Flip

Flip effect seems to be the “Hello world” of the Algebraic Effects literature.

This is how it looks in Turbolift:


1. Imports

import turbolift.{!!, Signature, Effect, Handler}
import turbolift.Extensions._

2. Define the signature

trait FlipSignature extends Signature:
  def flip: Boolean !! ThisEffect
  def fail: Nothing !! ThisEffect

3. Define the effect type

trait FlipEffect extends Effect[FlipSignature] with FlipSignature: 
  // Boilerplate:
  final override def flip = perform(_.flip)
  final override def fail = perform(_.fail)

  // Auxiliary operations:
  final def plus[A, U <: ThisEffect](lhs: => A !! U, rhs: => A !! U): A !! U =
    flip >>= (if _ then lhs else rhs)

  final def select[A](as: Iterable[A]): A !! ThisEffect =
    if as.isEmpty
    then fail
    else plus(!!.pure(as.head), select(as.tail))

The auxiliary operations, plus and select, are not declared in the signature. That’s because they don’t need dynamic semantics, provided by handlers. They are defined entirely in terms of flip and fail.

4. Define a handler

Or better, two handlers:

extension (fx: FlipEffect)
  def findAll =
    new fx.impl.Stateless[Identity, Vector, Any] with fx.impl.Sequential with FlipSignature:
      override def onReturn(a: Unknown) = !!.pure(Vector(a))

      override def fail = Control.abort(Vector())

      override def flip = Control.capture: k =>
          as <- k(true)
          bs <- k(false)
        yield as ++ bs

extension (fx: FlipEffect)
  def findFirst =
    new fx.impl.Stateless[Identity, Option, Any] with fx.impl.Sequential with FlipSignature:
      override def onReturn(a: Unknown) = !!.pure(Some(a))

      override def fail = Control.abort(None)

      override def flip = Control.capture: k =>
          case None => k(false)
          case some => !!.pure(some)



Instantiate the effect

case object MyFlip extends FlipEffect

// Optional:
type MyFlip = MyFlip.type

Run a program using the effect & handlers

def isOdd(x: Int) = x % 2 == 1

val program =
    x <- MyFlip.select(1 to 4)
    _ <- !!.when(isOdd(x))(MyFlip.fail)
    y <- MyFlip.select('a' to 'b')
  yield s"$x$y"
// program: Computation[String, MyFlip] = turbolift.Computation@31197437

val result1 = program.handleWith(MyFlip.findAll).run
// result1: Vector[String] = Vector("2a", "2b", "4a", "4b")

val result2 = program.handleWith(MyFlip.findFirst).run
// result2: Option[String] = Some(value = "2a")